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3 Brain Zapping Barriers to Optimal Wellness


It’s common knowledge that a healthy whole food diet, combined with regular physical activity are major components of a healthy lifestyle. But what are the three brain zapping barriers for body and brain wellness?

You certainly want to stop the brain zapping, right? Think how smart you’ll be when you discover these three. Even if they are just reminders, you’ll benefit.

#1 Brain Zapping Barrier to Optimal Wellness


Photo by Nicole King on Unsplash


Best practices for your brain and body include drinking sixty-four ounces of water during the morning hours, or whenever your day starts. You need a specific amount of water for the size of your body. One way to ascertain if you are hydrating enough is check the color of your urine. If it’s dark yellow, drink more water.

According to H.H. Mitchell in Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water.

Morning is a good time to hydrate as most of you probably don’t drink while sleeping for six to eight hours. Yet you are still expelling moisture.

“Sleeping is hardly the kind of activity that you sweat over, but that doesn’t mean you’re not losing water during the night. With every somnolent breath, you expel moisture, and the effect of a night’s sleep is to dry out.” Joshua Gowin, Psychology Today, 1991

Dehydration of gray matter in the brain slows memory, can cause vision problems, headaches, muscle aches, and even affect decision making.

According to Power of Positivity, a health website, dehydration is like a mild cognitive impairment.

Solution: Is your brain getting enough water? Set a reminder to hydrate in the morning.


#2 Brain Zapping Barrier to Optimal Wellness

Zapper — Toxic Environment (and Solution)

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The major job of the mitochondria (tiny cells within a cell) is to combine nutrients from the sugar and fats you eat with oxygen from the air you breathe. This involves clean air for optimal brain function.

Do you have any of these problems?

• Frequent headaches

• Migraines

• Mild continual congestion and respiratory viruses

• Sinus problems

These symptoms could be from various substances, caffeine, even your diet but one immediate and pressing solution is to check the air you breathe.

Our first son had several croup attacks before he turned one. We found a doctor who knew the inside story. First questions he asked, “do you live in a house with a dirt basement?” He said, when you turn on the forced air heat (1967 was the year) it blows mold from the dirt walls all over the house. I knew immediately he was right.

It made sense because:

#1 when the ambulance attendant got him out the door he immediately stopped gasping for air and was able to take a full breath.

#2 the only time he had croup attacks was when we started heating the house

“Toxins that hurt mitochondrial respiration even a little bit, have no place in our homes, in our food, in our coffee, or in our lives.”¹


If your workplace is causing your migraines or discomfort ask your boss to do something about it. If he refuses, get another job. One couple Dr. Daniel Amen helped was on the verge of divorce and eventually they learned through SPECT imaging the husband was going through personality changes because his work environment was toxic and affecting his brain. SPECT imaging or Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography is revolutionizing treatment for everything from learning disabilities to behavioral problems.

Our doctor’s answer for our son is the same advice I give now. Change your environment right away. Or as our pediatrician put it “GET OUT NOW”. Don’t spend another night in that house.

#3 Brain Zapping Barrier to Optimal Wellness

Over-production of Cortisol (the stress hormone)

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Cortisol, the stress hormone. Your body does produce some necessary cortisol, but the over production of it is dangerous. Stress must be reduced for a healthy lifestyle. Find out my favorite method for stress relief. You can do it while lying in bed. @ next Tuesday May 28, 2021.

“Left untreated, anxiety and depression can have serious personal and social consequences, including:

Health problems

Failure to reach your full potential at school or work

Low self-esteem

Chronic stress


Family conflict

Withdrawal from social activities

Alcohol and substance abuse

Disturbing thoughts

Legal and criminal problems

And sometimes, suicide (In fact, the risk for suicide in people with depression is more than 20 times higher)

“Anxiety and depression are not the results of character flaws or personal weakness; rather, they are related to biological problems in the brain.”²

Daniel Amen

Your Action Step: Get your FREE Ebook : Healthy Body Healthy Brain: How to Gain Optimal Health for Optimal Brain Function @ or here on Medium @articles by MarleneaHibbard/3

Especially focus on Chapter 7 entitled 3 Essentials for Your Optimal Brain Function. There you’ll find even more information on wellness.

¹Dave Asprey, Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster in Just Two Weeks, New York, HarperCollins, Kindle Edition. (Kindle Locations 708–709).



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