Will This Grief Ever End?

Photo by Philippa Rose-Tite on Unsplash

Death. Grief. Massacre. Murder. Will it ever end?

I’ve been employed in several different positions in public and private schools. I’ve never experienced trauma as appalling as seen in recent years. I’ve never experienced the death of my offspring except in very early pregnancy. Yet that loss was heartbreaking for me. My whole being aches for the sadness parents and children have due to the loss of loved ones in such a barbaric act as a massacre.

It’s difficult for us, as finite beings, to understand God’s ultimate plan. But look back on history. God sent Moses to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. But before the climax of their freedom, Pharoah delegated multiplied suffering. After Moses pressed Pharoah, he ordered the taskmasters to be harder on the Israeli slaves. In response, Moses turned to God with a question, even an accusation.

“Then Moses turned to the Lord and said, ‘O Lord, why have you done evil to this people? Why did you ever send me? For since I came to Pharoah to speak in your name, he has done evil to this people,and you have not delivered your people at all’” Exodus 5:20,(ESV).

You may compare Moses’ defense of God’s chosen people to present-day disillusionment about what God’s job is.

You may hear people cry out against God regarding tsunamis, school shootings, and the beheading of Christ’s followers because they say: “How could a just, loving God allow this?”

I must remind myself of who God is. He is the ruler of the universe, and we are not. School shootings and the shooting of the gunman’s grandmother are not acts of God. Let’s hold our judgment on the almighty God Who is at work. We haven’t seen the end of the story. I read the back of the book, and we win. Currently, the rebellious angel who God eschewed from heaven for thinking he was like the Almighty is the prince of the power of the air. God isn’t finished with him yet. He will be bound in the pit for eternity.

Yes, there will be an end to grief and sorrow for those who truly trust in God’s plan for them(visit the site hideous health habits dot com to learn more).

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever” Revelation 21:4, (NLT).

Hang tight and keep your eyes open. Read the Bible and make sure you are on the winning side. The eternal judgment includes every one of us. For more information on this topic visit

P. S.

Please lock the doors. Some of my grandchildren are in public schools but I don’t want anyone in an unsafe environment. We owe that to them. Please support your local law enforcement. Thank you.

See my other articles: Hibbard’s Hub



Marlene A Hibbard Inspiring Kids to Walk Worthy

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